Last updated on October 30th, 2020 at 12:15 pm
SSD vs HDD Memory, which one is the best?
When it comes to choosing storage disk in CloudPap servers, a user is always confronted with the choice between SSD and HDD storage. This is important because there are cost implications on the choice made, and there are functionality differences in the two.
Hard disk drives (HDD) have existed for a long time, and have been the dominant technology that is used in server storage. HDD storage consists of rotating disks that are compactly and air tightly sealed, forming what we call hard drives. These have one advantage of being cheap, and readily available.
Solid State Devices involve use of semiconductor devices for storage. These are formed majorly from silicon materials, and are similar to the storage employed in memory sticks or flash disks, memory cards, and Random Access memory.
This memory has the advantage of being very fast, and supports random access and faster indexing. It also comes at a higher costs, and thus CloudPap servers with SSD storage cost higher than with HDD storage.
When large amounts of data need to be accessed, or faster latency is needed, SSD storage is usually preferred, and this is the reason why all of CloudPap’s VPS and dedicated servers give you an option to use SSD storage devices.
What do you think about SSD vs HDD Memory?
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