Last updated on July 12th, 2023 at 07:46 am
Cloud Backup as a service in Kenya
Cloud backup as a service in Kenya and Africa has been used by a few. Mostly used by users with advanced computing knowledge – however, there is an exception with one product – Google Gdrive.
Google Drive is one of the most popular public cloud services. Under this category of Backup as a Service Gdrive has strategically got a huge number of users.
A lot of the users are not technically exposed as the case for other back up as service in Africa.
Users know that they can basically email huge files to Google drive for backup.
Any person with a Gmail account has Gdrive and have possibly used it to save file from emails or just back up normal files. Free Gdrive is basically the space available for email (Business emails in KE) use – which is about 15GB.
Supports easy collaboration
One Drive
A service by Microsoft that is easily installable and configurable on windows devices. Offer up to 5GB free to users
Also, allow remote access through Microsoft Account online.
- Include features like office 365
- Supports easy collaboration
Web-based service that is popular for its kind. It provides 2GB free storage and allows growing the space to 5GB by referring to others. It supports multiple devices as well
It is known for its ease of use.
Amazon s3
AWS service for object storage that is popular with tech advanced users. API allows easy access and retrieval programmatically.
Cloudpap Object Storage
It is very similar in terms of features to the Amazon S3 service. However, Cloudpap object storage allows storage of data in data centers in Africa.
Cloudpap storage as well as enhanced performance and security while compared with other public cloud services.
Cloudpap object storage allows users, organizations, and governments to store data within their boundaries.
Cloudpap storage is accessible and syncs across multiple devices. Cloudpap storage is accessible from:
- Desktop application – Windows, Linux, OSX
- Mobile Devices – Android, IOS,
- Web browser – Any web browser client
- Programmatically through a Restful API
It is a service that has helped organizations in Africa to comply with the legal requirements of storing legal requirements locally.
Data access is super-fast – no latency since Cloudpap data center location is in African countries unlike other players like Google, Microsoft, Dropbox who still store data in Europe and America.
Cloudpap Storage is equally competitive and way superior ahead of the pack in terms of security and performance.