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What Is A VPS

Do you know what a VPS is? Well, we are going to gather all you need to know and much more in this post.

Many have been using technology to conduct day-to-day activities. Technology is easing how we do things and increasing efficiency.

Look at many shops that are operating online. They have eased the transactions and increased sales. 

The internet is one of the largest marketplaces. Every day it’s giving new opportunities to everyone to make it to the next level.

It’s also providing reach and creating awareness to many. Paving ways for all to make it to the next level.

One of these technologies is VPS. 

What does VPS mean?

It is a virtual private server;  It’s a type of web hosting that uses virtualization technology to ensure you achieve the best performance.

One gets an isolated space on a server and own resources. You share the same server but have your own resources.

It’s a secure resource provider that ensures your website performs fast. One gets stability and privileges.

Instances to use VPS

Multiple sites

Sites need a good platform that can guarantee growth. Each day the traffic of a site grows, transactions increase, a VPS is able to handle all these.

It will protect your website against surges and guarantee good performance. It also increases security for all your sites.

Growing business

A business needs a website. It’s from the website that customers get updates, know what is available, and can even complete transactions.

A growing business has a lot of traffic. It has website spikes and needs resources. Without enough resources, it’s prone to fail.

Besides, your sites are provided with the best security. Offers the best flexibility to keep your business running without issues.

Test grounds

Before an application or server goes live it needs to be tested. One can set up a server here and begin checking it before it goes live.

Besides, it’s cheaper than dedicated hosting. Also, provides a safe platform to use before deploying your server or web applications.


  • Reliability- no more sharing resources; get to allocate resources the way you want. Keep your sites always up with stable hosting.
  • Control- manage your server and configure it to fit your own needs.
  • Scalable- offers one option of upgrading and downgrading whenever each suit.
  • Security- no one is able to access your server resources and also can put in place firewalls to up the security.
  • Cost-effective- a VPS provides many resources and keeps your sites active. It’s cheaper compared to dedicated hosting.

A VPS also comes with many other advantages. It also helps businesses cross to another level at affordable prices.

Where to get one

Over the internet one can get a VPS from:


It is a web service provider and a domain registrar. Truehost provides the best services which are reliable and affordable.

Have wonderful support that is always ready to help. They ensure you get the best as well as value for your money.

Here are some of their VPS plans:

Truehost VPS plans

For more check this out.


It’s a knowledgeable web hosting platform offering the easiest platform for developers and newbies.

Here are some of their plans:

Hostinger VPS plans


It’s a domain registrar and web service provider. It also offers premium plans and reliable customer support.

Here are some of their VPS plans:

WebHost VPS plans

Of course, there are many other places one can get a VPS. Here are other places:

  • Truehost cloud
  • HostKing
  • DreamHost 
  • Sasahost 
  • And many more.

Alternatives to a VPS

Dedicated hosting

In this type of hosting one has all resources and servers to use. There is no instance of sharing anything. It gives you complete control.


  • Reliable- your website has its own resources and is always up; not affected by others as in the case of shared hosting.
  • Control- manage and customize the server to your liking.
  • Performance- you get unlimited access to resources.
  • Security- you get to choose and configure the latest security features.


  • Expensive- it costs much to rent a server and operate it.
  • Requires technical know-how- one needs to know how to configure the server for security and maximum usage.

Shared Hosting

It’s where many users a single server to host their sites. Here users share all resources of the server.


  • Affordable- it cost way less than dedicated and VPS hosting. 
  • Simplicity- the platform is managed by the hosting provider. You just need to keep your files.
  • Little technical knowledge needed- you don’t have to know much about configuring a server and resources.


  • System crash- when overloaded the systems tends to crash.
  • Security issues- incorrectly configured files can allow other users access which results to compromise of data.

Cloud hosting

This hosting ensures that your data is hosted on more than one server. It uses clusters to store data and make it easily available.


  • Availability- in case one cluster fails data is easily accessible through the other clusters.
  • Scalability- it’s easy to get resources and do away with them once done.
  • Performance- provides the best resources to keep your sites up and running.
  • Rapid deployment- it’s easy to migrate sites.


  • Expensive- requires one to invest in before beginning operations.
  • Takes time to recover data fully.

Other alternatives include:

  • Colocation Hosting.
  • Managed hosting
  • Reseller Web Hosting
  • And others.

A VPS solves hosting problems and is flexible. It provides security and affordable plans to keep your sites up.

Get your business to new levels using a VPS.


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