Last updated on October 27th, 2020 at 10:22 am
Looking for Virtual Private Servers in Africa?
CloudPap is a leading provider of Virtual Private Servers in Africa. We offer VPS in multiple locations, which give a lot of flexibility on the size and performance, thus allowing a user to pay only for the necessary servers. But first, what is a Virtual Private Server?
Virtual Private Servers
A virtual private server (VPS), sometimes also known as virtual dedicated server, is a software defined server that relies on the use of software to ‘partion’ a physical server into several small servers, which by themselves, mimic the functioning of an independent server. This allows for one powrful physical server, like one with specification of 6 cores, 12 GB RAM and 240 GB storage to be subdivided and operate as 6 different servers with 1 core each, 2 GB RAM and 40 GB storage. These virtualization softwares are called hypervisors.
Diferences between VPS and Dedicated server
The main difference between VPS and dedicated servers offered by CloudPap in Africa and elsewhere, is that dedicated servers constitute a single hardware piece of a server, while a VPS is not hardware defined but use of software to partition one server into several small servers. This means that a dedicated server can be used to create several Virtual Private Servers.
Why Choose VPS over dedicated servers
CloudPap offers both Virtual Private Servers and dedicated servers in Africa. However there are several factors that may necessitate the need for using a VPS as opposed to a dedicated server. The reasons why VPS have a higher demand in Africa are:
- Low cost.
Virtual private power cost less than dedicated servers. This is because they do not require a single hardware to be designated as a single server, but one powerful server can be employed to provide several VPS, thus leveraging on economies of scale.
- Need for less computing power.
Virtual Private servers enable one to acquire just enough resources depending on the need, thus saving on costs.
- Flexibility
Virtual Private servers are easy to adjust and reconfigure. Memory, RAM and processing power can be added quickly, without need for changing the hardware physically.
CloudPap VPS in Africa
CloudPap offers VPS in the whole of Africa. These are in servers deployed in various Data Centers across Africa, adequately covering West Africa, North Africa, Eastern Africa and Southern Africa.
CloudPap’s Virtual Private Serevrs in Africa utilize SSD storage, ensuring faster reading and writing, thus faster access to information. CloudPap also offers various software and licences, therefore making it easier for one to deploy there VPS within a short time.