Create the email accounts that you require as guided on link:
Having now the email address and password, let us configure your phone or tablet to access the emails.
- Go to the application email on your device and click it
- On display name ,enter your name
- Enter your email address you want to access as the “email address”
- Type of connection; choose POP3 or IMAP
NB: IMAP is best recommended to have so that a copy of the emails is stored in CPanel
- Enter incoming mail server as “” e.g if your domain is org input incoming mail server
- Enter outgoing mail server as ””
- Enter the incoming mail port as:
Incoming server (POP3) = 110 or
Incoming server (IMAP) = 143
- Enter the outgoing mail port as:
Outgoing server (SMTP)=25 OR
Outgoing server (IMAP) = 26
- Do not tick SSL boxes
- Enter username as your “email address” as created in CPanel
- Enter password as your “email password” the one created in Cpanel
Other ports for emails are as below:
When SSL boxes are ticked and you have SSL Certificate:
Incoming server (POP3) = 995
Incoming server (IMAP) = 993
Outgoing server (SMTP) = 465