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How To Get Domain Names in Kenya (Cheapest Registrar)

Domain names in Kenya

Last updated on October 15th, 2020 at 06:33 am

Looking for Domain names in Kenya?

What is a domain?

A domain is a name formed by rules and procedures registered in domain name system. Domain names give a certain individual or organization the control to use that name, that is after they have registered and purchased the name with a particular registrar accredited by KeNIC to register domain names to businesses and organizations.

A domain name is an address that a user inserts in the URL and they are able to access your website to view your services and products online. A domain name also gives the organization’s brand identity, it helps protect the brand of the organization, let’s people know who you are, your currency, and language.

Types of Domain Names

A domain can also be defined as a website name, it is the name that is used to find or get into your website. There are different types of domains some of which include:

  1. .com which is a short form for commercial. Used for businesses, websites and emails.
  2. .net short form for network. Used by networking companies and internet service providers.
  3. .edu short form for education. Made for educational institutions.
  4. .org short form for organization. It is currently used by nonprofit organizations, profit organizations, schools and committees.
  5. .mil a short form for military. Used by the militaries.
  6. .gov shorthand for government.

There are many companies in Kenya that are domain name registrars. Most of the web hosting companies also gives domain registration services. Truehost is a web hosting company that offers you the cheapest domain names and management tools.

For domain name prices in Kenya, use that link.  and find out the domain name prices and choose your perfect for purchase. The prices are cheap and consistent.

.ke Domains

Truehost also offers the following .ke domains:

How to register your .ke domain name:

To register a Kenya domain name, visit that link, enter the name of the domain in the search box on top of the page, and click the ‘on check availability’ link. If it is available for registration, click on add to cart, make a payment, and your .ke domain will be registered immediately.”

You can engage with us in case of any difficulty, our support staff is always available for any question and any query there is always a live chat on the website.

Truehost also registers domains with other extensions which are as follows:

Visit us and register your preferred domain names in Kenya perfect for your business’ website, get yourself known by getting an identity and protect your brand, let everyone know your language, your currency, and who you are by registering a domain name with us. We are simply the best you could ever find, we serve you like no other.

Do you need to transfer your domain from your service provider?

Truehost is here for you if you are not satisfied with the current registrar of your domain. Truehost offers you the best services and our core task is to satisfy the online needs of our customers. Our services are optimized for high performance and reliability.

Why we are simply the best registrar

We give you 24/7 support, reliable emails, 99.999% uptime, free transfer of domain names, free hosting, and free SSL certificates.

The process of transferring your domain name has been made simple for you.

Free transfer of .ke domain if the domain has not expired, if the domain name has expired then we register it for free then send you an invoice for renewal. Other domains like .com are transferred at ksh.1000.

Other services offered by Truehost

Besides Domain names in Kenya, Truehost offers the following services


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