Why Cron Job May Not send You an Email Notification

At times cron jobs may run at scheduled times but fail to notify the sender through an email that the cron ran. Of course every one loves the feeling of accomplishment after a hardwork . So with a cron job that runs and fails to send you a notification, you may end up anxious wondering whether it ran or not.


However this problem can be resolved by following the steps below

  • Log in the cpanel
  • Navigate to the advanced area and click on cron jobs to open
  • check whether you indicated an email address and if not type the address in the text box of current email and update it








  • If you already had an email and yet received no notification, it may be because the job did not produce output. Here check the command of the current cron job to know where the cron script is and note the path down.
  • Go to cpanel -file section and click on file manager to open
  • locate public-html and open- look for textcron.php. Open and locate your file then click edit from the tool bar above. Another option for edit will occur.
  • Add anything in the text editor to ensure that the output will be forced. Anything like a letter,space,symbol.
  • Click on save changes and now your crons will always email you


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