How to verify the created SRV records in Windows Server.

After creating any DNS records, you need to verify whether the dns has been added and updated.

To do this follow the following steps.

  1. Login to your server as the administrator.
  2. Click Start, and then click Run.
  3. In the Openbox, type cmd, and then click OK.
  4. At the command prompt, type nslookup, and then press ENTER.
  5. Type set type=srv, and then press ENTER.
  6. Type _tcp.domainnaname, and then press ENTER.Nn domainname is your exact domain eg and and service type example is _autodiscover
  7. The output displayed look like this

Server: <dns server>.domainname

Address: <IP address of DNS server>

Non-authoritative answer:

_servicetype._tcp.domainname SRV service location:

priority = 0

weight = 0

port = exact port specified

svr hostname = domainname (or Standard Edition server A record)

  1. After you’re done, type exit

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