Optimizing WordPress with W3 Total Cache and Gtmetrix

Optimizing WordPress With W3 Total Cache and Gtmetrix

With a site that receives too much traffic, there maybe too much server load whenever every visitor feeds in a request. Since there must be a connection to the database to confirm the existence of the content requested by a visitor, with an increase in traffic it only means that your CPU usage of resources is high. All these problems occur in WordPress because it doesn’t have an inbuilt functionality to perform caching and so installing an external Plugin definitely increases the speed of your site. With a W3 Total Cache, there is assurance that once a visitor requests a page, connection to the database to check the content existence is triggered, and a copy of the same information is saved in an HTML file. Therefore if another person requests the same page or content, there is no duplication because the previously cached HTML file is served so long as the first person made no changes to the so requested content. Gtmetrix is just a quantifier to W3 Total Cache in speed improvement that is if the user needs more speed and W3 Total Cache is not up to the task. However, for greater results ensure your server is of great performance.

How to install WordPress with a W3 Total Cache

  • Login to wordpress dashboard
  • Click on plugins-add new
  • Type the name in the search text box

  • Locate it and click install now
  • click activate plugin for a successful installation








  • On the left under settings, click on performance- general settings















  • From the task bar, enable page cache,browser cache,database cache and because at times minify may give your WordPress problems you may leave it out. Save these settings.
  • Go back to performance and click on page cache. And check on the following then click save settings-general
















  • Press (ctrl+U) to confirm the page optimization of cache and after confirmation be sure to have improved and speedy loads
  • Follow the same procedure to install GTMetrix

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