Changing the WordPress auto-save interval

Changing The WordPress Auto-save Interval

WordPress automatically saves your post edits by default, everytime a change is done on it after every 60 or 30 seconds. However, the user can always change the interval (time settings) to be speedy /slow depending on the internet connection and also how often he wants the drafts saved. Auto-save interval makes your work easier in case the connection stops because a draft can always be referred to, with the new updates in the database. With an increase in auto-save interval,the edited posts are saved often and the browser is saved from hanging especially when the Internet connection is slow. This saves the editors time and effort incase a downtime occurs. This setting is in WordPress wp-config.php file where it can be configured to (‘wp-post-revisions’,)x, where x is the number of auto-save; and when its not needed it can be configured as (‘wp-post-revisions’,false) to turn it off. Consider enabling the auto-save interval because its very important instead of waiting for downtimes.

How to set auto-save interval in WordPress;

  • Login in cpanel
  • click on File manager






  • Navigate to public-html and click on wp-config.php






  • Right click on it and click on edit,- replace autosave-interval’ X ,x should be a number of the times you want to set for the intervals. Then click save.

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