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Online Privacy and Protection

Last updated on October 31st, 2022 at 01:42 pm

Data breaches are becoming more of a daily occurrence. Data is becoming more useful and people are looking for it even using unethical methods. Data is being used to influence decisions and behaviours and we receive news more regularly about some major data breach somewhere. Not long ago, we were shocked that Cambridge Analytica collected Facebook data from millions of people and apparently used it to influence 2016 American elections.

In the modern world, for convenience sake, we are bound to release some information about ourselves or our surroundings online. For instance, we all like how Google Maps helps us around. For Google to improve it, they do take some information from locals to aid in that. But we need to know how much information we release and what’s the consequence of having too much of it out online – knowingly or unknowingly.

How your data may fall into wrong hands

When you are online, you expose yourself to many internet threats. There are people online who will just stop at nothing to get your information. How they’ll use it is another matter, but the aggressiveness they employ to get your data in the first place is just amusing. Here are few ways your data can fall in the wrong hands:

How to safeguard your data against these theats

The above listed techniques are just but a few that are employed to get hold of data. What steps can you take to protect your privacy online? Here, we’ll look at some ways you can reduce chances of being mined of data.

These are just a very small highlight of what can be done to enhance your privacy protection online. For a more comprehensive list of measures that can be taken, you can have a look at the 66 privacy tips from Consumer Reports. As they say, do one, some or all. It makes a diffrence!

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