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How To Get Domain Hosting Services in Kenya (Cheap Prices)

Domain hosting services

Last updated on October 14th, 2020 at 07:00 am

Domain hosting services are those internet services offered by the hosting companies to register and sell domains to the customers, provide them with management tools, and make the domain always running on the internet. They provide the IP addresses for the domains to create their addresses on the online platform they give a location for the email and web hosting.

However one can have a domain name and not necessarily host a website or an email. You can secure a domain before you can build a website then later host the website with that domain. The reason why clients register a domain even before they have a website is to secure a name for the business before someone else does.

It is a way of protecting your brand because the name of the domain is the identity for you and your business.

Domain hosting services are provided depending on the type of domain that one has purchased either an international domain or a country level code.

Best Domain Hosting company

The best domain hosting services you can get should be of cheap price for both registration and renewal with no extra charges in between.

The following are the factors you should consider when choosing a service provider for your domain name hosting:

Other services

For domain name registration in Kenya, this is it. Use the link to find out on the domain names prices and register your perfect domain name for your business before someone else does.

Also, you can host your emails in Kenya with Truehost servers.

Get in touch with Truehost on their page know more about their services and order today. We value our customers by making sure we satisfy their online needs to their satisfaction.

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